The pre-Passover concert started with one of my all time favorite albums, which I am sure I have listened to multiple hundreds of times --“Satch Plays Fats”. I believe I have every recording Fats Waller ever made, but Armstrong’s playing and singing of Waller’s music is unparalleled. One of the often overlooked songs Waller did was “Blue Turning Gray Over You” and Armstrong hits a grand slam with his version. The same goes for “Black and Blue”. I think the version on this album sets the standard. On the final song, “Ain’t Misbehavin”, Satchmo hits some notes that most other trumpet players can only dream about.
The rest of the day’s concert, which helps Barbara get through all the work she had to do to prepare for the Seder, was listening to a few hours of Dean Martin. He really was a great singer and, like Sinatra, always had great arrangements and musicians.
I did very little except help Barbarawhen I could, like with putting out glasses, seasoning the food, and minor things like that. I did open a very good 2009 wine, then went downstairs to what is a very good gelato shop and bought six different flavors of really tasty homemade- on-the-premises gelato so everyone, except Barbara, had a really good dessert.
Know this about Florence gelato. There are many terrific places. The secret is getting to those who make their own right on the premises. How do you know? Well, aside from just asking, if the gelato is homemade, it is flat. If it is shipped in from one of many makers of gelato, it is displayed in high mounds, generally , with some decorations on top. It looks good because of the manner in which it is displayed. However, those displays are totally misleading and meant to entice the uninitiated. I think the best is Gelateria Neri, but there are many including the one right downstairs.
I was not really in favor of having the Seder. It is a huge amount of work and we had no family with us, just five close friends, none of whom are Jewish, and only three of whom can read English. One can read, but her eyes are no longer good enough to see the page.
Seders were a very big thing in my Wife’s family. They were not in mine. In fact, I can never even recall attending a Seder until I was married. Nonetheless, as I have previously said, the way Barbara and I have worked things out over more than 61 years of being married, is that when we differ, we do what the one who feels the strongest wants, and we try to do it with a smile.
Take a scale of 1 to 10. Throw out the high and low, 1 and 10. That leaves everything between 2 and 9. If I am an 8 to do it one way, and Barbara is a 5 to do it the other, she does what I want. When it came to this year’s Seder, I knew without having to calculate, that she was much higher on the scale to do it than I was not to do it, so there you have it.
Maybe I am mellowing. Maybe, because I knew Barbara would be so busy, maybe it was because we had so few participants, but whatever the reason(s), I took the time to prepare to lead the Seder, and I did the whole thing enthusiastically so Barbara was happy with me and remember, “happy Wife, happy life”.
If the question occurred to you “what happens when she is an 8 one way and you are an 8 the other way?” First, it does not happen that often. I cannot remember the last time. Sometimes, where practical, we split up, and she does what she wants and I do what I want. Most of the time, we “sleep on it” and the next day find a way to resolve the impasse.
Consider, all young newly married or about to be married people, what I just wrote. Your lives will be easier. And while I am on ”Marriage 101”, remember what my Mother taught me: “Never make a decision of consequence before thinking ‘how will my decision effect my spouse?’”. Of course, since I am a divorce lawyer, I have just given advice in conflict with my own interests. ((just kidding).
Marlins won their first two home games. Good for them. Hope that will bring better crowds. The problem Marlin owners have always had to wrestle with is that Miami is a football town, not a baseball town. St Louis, Boston, Chicago, at least the Cubs, could field little league teams and pack the stadium. I have been to more than a few Marlins game when I could have invited the entire crowd to sit in my modest sized living room.
Rest most of today. Will go get some more fresh squeezed orange juice and eat leftovers from the Seder. Tomorrow Easter Brunch at Four Seasons.
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