A whole bunch of my baseball buddies laughed at me when I said Sandy Alcantara deserves to win the Cy Young award. I kept getting other names shoved in my face. However, I watched, in person, at least a dozen of Alcantara’s starts. The man had no hitting behind him, and he does start off slowly some of the time, but he never gave less than 100%. He deserves the accolade. Now, all I have to do is pray the Marlins’ cheap management does not trade him. It was a clean sweep.
Justin Verlander also got all 30 first place votes and won the Cy Young Award, again, in the American League. I do not understand why he did not immediately sign up to stay with Astros. How much money is enough for a man in his position?
Color me stupid, but here is my thinking. The Democrats still control both the House and the Senate until January 3. My bet is the Democrats win Georgia so have some breathing room. The hoodlums takeover the House, but by a very, very small margin and, for them who generally march in lockstep, are in relative disarray. Kinzinger and Cheney remain until the end of the year, a GOP oasis of sanity, on an island of insanity.
Why is Congress taking a vacation for the holidays? Why isn’t Pelosi keeping the House in full session and writing needed legislation 24/7? Get every damn law passed that is humanly possible for the next almost six weeks.
There is time enough for counting when the dealing’s done.
Two grandchildren arrive Friday afternoon. Jewish Grandma Barbara, looking for a seat in heaven, spent the day making chicken soup and other things for Kasey and Blake. She had to freeze a lot of things, kept the freezer door open too long and our crazy refrigerator, remember the f—-g ice maker, went berserk.
Keep in mind that I just learned how to start my car, but with Exhibit A’s help, we got it fixed. Took from about 9 p.m. until 1:30 a.m., so pardon any typos
True to my intent, I did not leave the apartment on Wednesday. Another heartbreaking experience, but I chose not to accompany Pat and Dick to Sostanza for lunch. There is no better steak, chicken dish or dessert in Italy. No coffee, no credit cards, communal seating unless you are a Ferragamo, but it is great. Very small place and to get to restrooms, one has to walk through the kitchen where, among other things, you see literally fistfuls of salt thrown on the steak and at least a pound of butter in the pan where the chicken is made. I suggest booking way in advance unless they know you, and seeing if your cardiologist is available to join you. I am sure I lost five pounds by not going.
Mitch McConnell garnered 37 votes. Rick Scott, who never had a chance of beating McConnell, managed 10 votes including the two dumbest smart Senators alive, Cruz and Hawley.
I keep reading that the Republican Party still belongs to Donald Trump. How dumb is that? Is there any doubt in anyone’s mind that Trump cost the Republicans control of the Senate? His own vindictiveness, together with his power and money, caused the Republicans to put up a slate of losers. McConnell was right and Trump was wrong.
Scott was wrong. He wrote an alleged Platform that was outrageous. The Democrats made a lot of mistakes, particularly in Florida, but at least they lost their monopoly.
We need help on Christmas Eve because my Wife, clearly with nothing else to do, decided to have a party that night. I am going to try and make it.
Things went well for Beth and David IV at Marco Island. This means that the annual Boies/Miller trip is a “go”.
Granddaughter Harper’s college applications are in. Keep your fingers crossed.
Granddaughter Alanna is in a great nursing school including Honors Program, but she has not yet heard from her first choice. Good thing I have a lot of fingers.
My opinion is that Nancy Pelosi should stay on as Minority Leader. She is as politically savvy as McConnell only she has a conscience.
Why are both Florida Senators voting against the Same Sex Marriage Bill? Same thing for Texas where both Senators are against it. Texas ranks 2nd and Florida ranks 4th in terms of gay population. I just do not understand what motivates people to vote as the do.
Here is another thing I do not understand. I know there are many people who are not so smart, way too many, and there are even more people struggling to make financial ends meet. However, there are not a few who due to some combination of hard work, being a member of lucky sperm club, and other factors have more than enough money, are highly educated and intelligent, and have access to the best of whatever. I address these remarks to the latter group.
There was once a book titled something like “Why Smart People Do Dumb Things”. Why? How is it that those who have the ability to get the very best assistance available, choose not to do so?
One of the very most important lessons in life to learn is to know what you don’t know, and then to find the person(s) who do. I am not the sharpest light in the chandelier, but one thing I can do is to recognize when someone is better than I am and to ask for help. I cannot go into anything specific, but it is driving me up the wall that people I really care about have made one foolhardy decision after another, and I can see the slaughter coming clear as day.
My best advice: whenever you are or can be in trouble, find out if you can who the real experts are and keep your fingers crossed (I am now out of fingers) that these experts are willing to try to save your life. No one can always be successful, but the top people are the top people for a reason.
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